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Articles by Dr. Albert Snow on IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s, and Constipation

Welcome to a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise in the realm of gastrointestinal health. Dr. Albert Snow, a distinguished authority in the field, has penned a series of enlightening articles dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of IBS, Colitis, Crohn’s disease, and Constipation.


Delve into these insightful resources to gain a deeper understanding of these conditions, discover strategies for recovery, and embark on a path toward improved well-being. Dr. Snow's wealth of wisdom is at your fingertips, empowering you to take charge of your digestive health and live your best life.

Just to clarify the use of symptoms to diagnose inflammatory bowel conditions. You know that you have passed from Ulcerative Colitis into Crohn’s when in addition to urgent diarrhea and blood in your stool- you find mucus in your stool. The mucus represents your body’s last ditch effort to protect you from your stomach acids devouring your intestines/colon. This means you are losing the battle fast. Next Don’t fiddle around, you gotta get this fixed!

This is one strange condition. It is hard to pin down if it is even legit. It is definitely not an inflammatory bowel condition such as IBS, colitis or Crohn’s. It has a zillion symptoms attributed to it. It has the largest number of hits on Google for any of the gastrointestinal problems. Apparently, everyone is looking for it.

One of the most common side effects that leaky gut is blamed for is food allergies. This seems to be linked somehow to the issues of gluten and lactose intolerances. Somehow these are all supposed to be linked.

The most prominent concept is that one has large holes in their stomach and undigested food particles pass through and go directly into the bloodstream and then the immune system freaks out thinking they are some type of pathogenic enemy and triggers all kinds of immune responses such as rashes-headaches and sneezing. These are just a few of the long lists.

How did those holes supposedly get there? One theory is that there was a chronic yeast infection that spread all over the GI tract and with it’s roots burrowed holes in the stomach or small intestine.

If I were to give my 2 cents worth it would be this—through a prior use of antibiotics the mucosal lining that protects the stomach wall is destroyed leaving it exposed to our harsh digestive enzymes that eat holes in it.

Ultimately there are too many questions-contingencies and unknowns for me to be certain what exactly leaky gut is–or if it even is -but then again it must be—because everyone keeps telling me they have it. Maybe if there were more of it going around I would recognize it when I saw it.

I want to emphasize that Crohn’s is not a disease and neither are any of the other supposed inflammatory bowel diseases.

They are manmade conditions. We have done this to ourselves. The supposition is that these are auto-immune diseases where the immune system for some unknown reason attacks our GI tract. Why would it do that? This is nothing other than an unproven theory. Once you receive that diagnosis we get directed down the wrong road of immuno-suppressive meds. Does that sound right to you?

Your health is your responsibility. You need to become an advocate for yourself. Do your homework. Get properly informed. Look at alternatives. Play a role in the decision-making process. There is a Crohn’s Disease cure. It is incumbent upon you to find it.

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